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What Is an Ignition Interlock Device?

What Is an Ignition Interlock Device?

If you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you might already be worried about the consequences. A DUI is usually at least a misdemeanor, which could hurt your future. You might already have heard about some of the penalties you could face, like the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) on your personal vehicle.

Knowing what to expect when you’ve been charged with a DUI can help you understand how important it is to fight back with a lawyer. First, though, what is an IID? Getting these answers are the first step to dealing with your drunk driving case. 

How IIDs Work

If you’re convicted of a DUI, you may be able to seek out a hardship license. This means that you get to keep your drivers license, but it’s limited. If you would be unable to work if you lost your license, you may be eligible for a hardship license. 

In these cases, or if you have multiple offenses on your record, you may be required to get an ignition interlock device. This device is installed in your car, and it works much like a Breathalyzer. It tests your blood alcohol concentration, and if you don’t pass, your car won’t start. 

This option allows many people who would otherwise be off the road to keep from losing their jobs or dropping out from other commitments that require driving. If you’re concerned about getting to and from work or school but you’ve been convicted, talk to an Illinois DUI attorney for help. 

Avoiding a DUI and IID

An IID can be expensive, and driving with others when you have one installed can be embarrassing. You don’t want to have to pass a sobriety test every time you want to get to work or class. If you haven’t been convicted of a DUI yet, you may have a chance to work with a Chicago DUI lawyer for your case. 

If you’re accused of a DUI, your Chicago drunk driving attorney can help you build  a defense for your case. For example, you might believe that the sobriety test you were given was improperly administered, or you might not have been driving at the time the police showed up and arrested you. 

If you think there are mistakes or issues with your case, your lawyer can help you build a defense around them. Your attorney can also argue on your behalf, possibly helping you get your charges reduced or dismissed completely. 

Contact a Chicago Drunk Driving Attorney

If you’ve been accused of drunk driving and you’re worried about keeping your job, there are options for people like you. An ignition interlock device can help you keep your job when you’ve been convicted of a DUI. However, it may not be too late to avoid an IID and protect yourself in the courtroom. 

At Chicago Trusted Attorneys™, we understand what a DUI can mean for your future, and we’re here to help. If you’ve been accused of a drunk driving offense, seek out help from an attorney. We can help you work to get those charges dropped or reduced when you call us at 312-931-5411 or visit our website for more information. 

About the Author:

Chicago Trusted Attorneys

Whether you have been charged with a serious felony or a misdemeanor, every conviction can follow you for the rest of your life. That's why it's essential to contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can prove your innocence. At Chicago Trusted Attorneys, your case will receive the attention it deserves. You can't fight the system on your own, and your future is too important to trust to anyone but the best attorney as you work to build a strong legal defense.... View full business profile here: Chicago Trusted Attorneys

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