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What to Do When You’ve Been Falsely Accused of a Crime

What to Do When You’ve Been Falsely Accused of a Crime

There’s a reason that people are considered innocent until proven guilty. It’s because many people are accused of committing crimes that they didn’t commit. In the past, people were judged before the facts were presented, and only later was it revealed that the person was innocent. This was unfair for all citizens.

Regrettably, people are still falsely accused of committing crimes, and they sometimes still deal with negative ramifications from the accusations. Even if you aren’t convicted of the crime of which you’re accused, you could still deal with negative life impacts.

There’s not much you can do about being falsely accused of a crime, but you can fight the charge in an effort to keep a conviction off your record. You can fight for your right to due process and a fair defense.

Why It’s Important to Not Give in When Falsely Accused of a Crime

Some people who are accused of crimes that they didn’t commit end up pleading guilty anyway. They feel like going to trial and fighting the charge would be too much effort or simply too much to deal with. They think they might still lose at trial because of false witnesses or evidence that could indicate they are guilty even though they aren’t.

These reasons are justified, and it’s understandable that people don’t always want to fight a charge. But it’s not a good idea to go down without a fight. Your future is on the line, and it’s worth fighting for. A criminal conviction will affect your life for many years, sometimes much longer than a jail or prison term.

It’s important to explore all of your options when faced with a criminal charge. You should never sign a plea agreement without talking through your options with an experience lawyer.

Possible Defenses Against Criminal Convictions

So, you’ve been charged with a crime you didn’t commit, but you aren’t sure what types of defenses could be available to you. If you’ve never been arrested before, you might not know how a defense is crafted that proves you don’t deserve to be convicted of a crime.

Here are a few examples of common defenses attorneys use to help their clients.

  • Innocence

  • Self-defense

  • Entrapment

  • Police errors

  • Mistaken identity

  • Mistake of fact

  • Your rights were violated during arrest

Get Help from a Criminal Defense Attorney

You didn’t deserve to be accused of a criminal act you didn’t partake in. Although you can shout to the world that you didn’t do it, that won’t help you much. You must formulate a defense if you hope to keep a crime off your record. Your defense strategy might be stronger with a criminal defense lawyer in your corner.

Make the call to The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy to talk to a Fort Worth criminal defense attorney about your criminal case. They can point out to you the flaws in the case against you. They can formulate a defense and battle beside you for your future and your freedom. Call 817-605-1010 or visit our website to learn more.

About the Author:

The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy

Attorney Kennedy has over twenty years’ experience practicing criminal law in Fort Worth, TX, and he has successfully handled thousands of cases, including fulfilling the role of a winning Fort Worth DWI lawyer. From misdemeanors to felonies, he can help you fully understand the charges against you and build the defense that clears your name.Need a Fort Worth criminal defense lawyer? You've found the law firm that can help you win your case.... View full business profile here: The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy

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