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What to Do if You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice in Kentucky

What to Do if You Are a Victim of Medical Malpractice in Kentucky

The last thing you probably expected when you went to see your physician or to the hospital for treatment was to suffer further due to an error by the staff. Fortunately, if you are a victim of medical malpractice in Kentucky, you have options for financial recovery. Read on to learn more about the steps you can take to obtain maximum compensation for your suffering. 

Consider a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

There are numerous ways that your caregiver could be responsible for causing you injury or illness, but there are some that are simply inexcusable and should therefore be brought to light in a medical malpractice lawsuit. Some of these medical errors might include:

  • Misdiagnosis

  • Failure to treat

  • Surgical errors

  • Birth injuries

  • Issues with anesthesia

  • Improper medications and/or dosages

This is a very general list of medical errors, and if you believe you may be a victim of medical negligence, you should consult a Kentucky attorney. 

Remember, there is a big difference between a medical error and risks or side effects caused by a treatment or procedure you were having. A medical malpractice lawsuit can only be sought when the medical standard of care was not met by the individuals responsible for your care. 

Informed consent refers to your giving your permission for a treatment or procedure after having been informed of the risks. These risks should not, however, include the risk of negligence by those treating you.

Review Your Losses in Detail

Once you have recognized that you may have the right to pursue a medical malpractice claim, you should take a look at your losses to determine if such a lawsuit will be worth your time and energy. 

Having exorbitant medical expenses, suffering physically and emotionally, being unable to earn a living while out of work, and other ensuing losses are all indicators that you should move forward with your lawsuit. After all, you shouldn’t be forced to cover these costs when your medical team failed you.

If you make the decision to file, be prepared to deal with the insurance company, as the liable parties will more than likely be covered by malpractice insurance. The insurer is not going to be fighting for you here; they may be doing everything they can to minimize the amount they will have to pay out in your medical malpractice claim. 

Thankfully, your attorney can ensure you don’t settle for less than you deserve, and they will prepare your case for court if early negotiations don’t come down in your favor.

Reach Out to a Medical Malpractice Attorney in Kentucky

If you have suffered injury or illness and you believe negligence on the part of your medical care provider was the cause, a Louisville medical malpractice lawyer may be able to help. You can discuss your case further during your free consultation. To schedule a meeting with the esteemed attorneys at Wilt & Klausing, PLLC, visit our website or contact our office by phone at 502-253-9110.

About the Author:

Wilt and Associates, LLC

The legal team at Wilt and Associates, LLC , leverages the background that our attorneys and their staff have in defending doctors and insurers to benefit plaintiffs in medical malpractice and personal injury lawsuits. Wilt and Associates, LLC , represents clients across Kentucky, as well as select personal injury clients in Ohio. We will fight to earn you the settlement you deserve.... View full business profile here: Wilt and Associates, LLC

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