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What to Do After Being Injured in a Sacramento Car Accident

What to Do After Being Injured in a Sacramento Car Accident

Car accidents happen unexpectedly, and if you’ve never been in a wreck before, you may be unsure what to do when one occurs. If you’ve been injured in a collision and someone else was responsible, you can hold the liable party accountable by filing a claim in court. Before taking legal action, however, you must prepare accordingly.

At Crowell Law Offices, we’ve handled many car accident lawsuits, and we can assist you with recovering compensation for your damages. You should contact a Sacramento car accident lawyer as soon as your wreck occurs if you want to maximize your claim. We can guide you through the legal process and use evidence to prove negligence in your case. 

File a Police Report

When you first get injured in your wreck, you should call the police and wait at the scene of the accident to file a police report. Leaving the scene of the accident before the police create their report can be detrimental to your case and may also be illegal. The police report is essential because it’ll capture the details of your wreck and can be used as evidence to support your claim later on.  

Seek Medical Attention

If you need immediate medical attention, the police will call an ambulance at the scene of the accident; however, if your injuries are time sensitive but not emergent, you should go to the hospital as soon as you leave the scene. Seeking medical attention immediately and getting documentation of your injuries is essential if you hope to recover compensation.

If you wait to see a doctor, the defendant in your case can argue that the accident didn’t cause your injuries. If you have delayed injuries, you should see a doctor for a checkup after your accident and then go back to the same doctor if new or recurring symptoms arise. 

Keep Records for Evidence

In the days and weeks after your wreck occurs, you should keep records of any documents, receipts, or other records you incur that may be relevant to your case. Even if you have documents you don’t think will be relevant, keep records just in case. Having more evidence is better than less if you hope to maximize your settlement.  

Prove Negligence

Once you’re ready to file your claim, you must prove negligence against the liable party in your accident. This is where your records will become helpful because you can use receipts, medical documentation, the police report, or photographs as evidence. Your attorney can assist you with presenting this evidence in a way that supports your claim and ultimately increases the value of your settlement.

Contact a Sacramento Car Accident Attorney

You don’t have to handle the complex process of a lawsuit alone. An experienced attorney from Crowell Law Offices will support you every step of the way. If you’re ready to discuss your case with a Sacramento car accident lawyer from our team, call 916-303-2800 to schedule a confidential consultation. Alternately, you can check us out online for more information about our firm.

About the Author:

Crowell Law Offices

Crowell Law Offices represent clients throughout Northern California with local offices in Sacramento, Placer and Yolo Counties, California. Our personal injury firm defends people who've been injured by another's negligence: auto accidents, brain/spine injuries, child injuries, catastrophic injuries and wrongful death cases.... View full business profile here: Crowell Law Offices

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